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 NU'EST, "We all like Big Bang"

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Posts : 137
Join date : 2012-01-15
Age : 27
Location : Sydney

NU'EST, "We all like Big Bang" Empty
PostSubject: NU'EST, "We all like Big Bang"   NU'EST, "We all like Big Bang" I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 12, 2012 5:43 pm

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Excerpt from rookie group NU'EST's interview with WStar News:

Q: Excluding your sunbaes of the same agency, who is your favorite singer?

JR: The members all like TVXQ and Big Bang. As for
individually, I like Eminem. At first, no one appreciated him, but he
put in a lot of effort and later, he achieved recognition from white
people, black people, everyone and became the best singer. I also want
to try to become the best musician recognized by everyone.

I like Michael Jackson and Beyonce. I long to take after their perfection.

Aron: For me it’s Lee Jeok sunbaenim. My vocal teacher often tells me that my singing resembles Lee Jeok sunbaenim’s tone of voice.

Baekho: Um…I like TVXQ sunbaenim’s powerful and full of energy stages. We also want to show a powerful image like that.

Minhyun: Big Bang. They communicate to their fans an image
that they enjoy the stage. I also want to become a person who knows how
to enjoy himself on stage and will be put in a lot of effort to do so.

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