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 Big Bang members look like 'X-Men' in new music video?

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Join date : 2012-01-15
Age : 27
Location : Sydney

Big Bang members look like 'X-Men' in new music video? Empty
PostSubject: Big Bang members look like 'X-Men' in new music video?   Big Bang members look like 'X-Men' in new music video? I_icon_minitimeMon May 28, 2012 3:10 pm

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Five-member idol group Big Bang is getting a lot of attention from
recently-released pictures that remind people of the movie, X-Men.

On May 28th, Big Bang’s agency, YG Entertainment, released pictures of
G-Dragon, T.O.P, Taeyang, Daesung and Seungri on its official blog, YG
Life. The pictures were captured from the music video of the group’s new
song “Monster”.

In the pictures, the group members show off their charisma through their costumes, hairstyles and makeup.

T.O.P, with his cold face and a black cape, looks like a young Magneto
from the movie, X-Men. G-Dragon sports a red hair and is wearing black
clothes, and looks like he's making fire with his hands. Taeyang,
Daesung and Seungri also look mysterious like heroes from the movie.

Big Bang will release their special album, which includes 9 songs, in
Korea, on June 6. The album includes 5 new songs, including the title
song Monster, which is written by G-Dragon and Choi Pil Gang, Still Alive, Feeling, Bingle Bingle and Ego. Songs from their 5th mini album (Blue, Fantastic Baby, Bad Boy and Love Dust) will also be included in the album.

The new songs will be pre-released digitally on June 3 and a music video for “Monster” will be released on the same day as well.


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