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 Big Bang to focus on world tour, no promotional activities for 'Still Alive'

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Age : 27
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Big Bang to focus on world tour, no promotional activities for 'Still Alive' Empty
PostSubject: Big Bang to focus on world tour, no promotional activities for 'Still Alive'   Big Bang to focus on world tour, no promotional activities for 'Still Alive' I_icon_minitimeTue May 29, 2012 2:36 pm

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YG Entertainment has revealed it will not hold promotional activities for Big Bang’s much-anticipated special re-release album Still Alive.

The special edition album is scheduled to drop on June 3 with five
additional songs in addition to the songs from the mini album Alive.

However, a source close to YG Entertainment revealed the group has decided to not hold any performances for the new album, including music shows, and focus on its ongoing world tour 2012 Big Bang Alive Tour instead.

Big Bang is in the midst of a series of concerts lined up in Japan, with
concerts in Osaka from May 31 through June 3, Saitama from June 17
through 17 and Fukuoka from June 23 through June 24.

In the midst of the packed concert schedule, YG Entertainment and Big
Bang decided that planning, rehearsing and performing stages for the
album in-between would prove too much. Big Bang’s world tour will also
take them to Asia, North and South America and Europe to wind them
through 16 countries and 25 cities.

Still Alive, its title song Monster and music video will all be unveiled
on June 3, while the hard copy will be available on June 6.

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Big Bang to focus on world tour, no promotional activities for 'Still Alive'
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