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 Big Bang's 'Monster' teasers featured in French website 'JukeBo'

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Big Bang's 'Monster' teasers featured in French website 'JukeBo'  Empty
PostSubject: Big Bang's 'Monster' teasers featured in French website 'JukeBo'    Big Bang's 'Monster' teasers featured in French website 'JukeBo'  I_icon_minitimeWed May 30, 2012 3:17 pm

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The successful boy band Big Bang is back with a new music video called Monster which will be available next June 3.

Big Bang has finished promoting their mini album Alive where you can find great songs Bad Boy, Fantastic Baby and Blue. The song Monster comes from their new album Still Alive - Special Edition to be released on the same day as the video video.

Meanwhile, the Korean group has unveiled teaser posters for each member.
G-Dragon, TOP, Taeyang, Seungri and Daesung have a single image which
shows the atmosphere of the new video Monster. We can therefore guess
that Monster will be quite a video, with explosions, fire, much like Love Song, but with more original costumes!

As a reminder, Big Bang has planned a world tour under the name Alive World Tour in 2012 and dates will be available soon!

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Translation Edit: ViLikeLiz

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Big Bang's 'Monster' teasers featured in French website 'JukeBo'
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