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 120531 Excitement for 'Monster' grows with the release of Seungri's teaser

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120531 Excitement for 'Monster' grows with the release of Seungri's teaser Empty
PostSubject: 120531 Excitement for 'Monster' grows with the release of Seungri's teaser   120531 Excitement for 'Monster' grows with the release of Seungri's teaser I_icon_minitimeThu May 31, 2012 1:17 pm

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The release of the Seungri's teaser for Big Bang's "Monster" has been gathering attention.

At 12:00AM on the 31st, the video was posted on the YG Life blog. In the
video, it seems as though Seungri was having a hard time looking for
something. A new part of the song "Monster" was revealed with the video.

Seungri's lyrics "don't go don't go don't go don't leave stop stop stop
this is unlike you" had a unique feel to it and added the emotion of

The excitement for "Monster" grows, as G-Dragon and TOP's versions have
revealed narrations. With the new part that was shown today, people
wonder how "Monster" will come out. Seungri's black and white long coat
and TOP's blue eyes also showed overflowing charisma. The music video
for "Monster" is said to have brought each member's personalities to
life in an extravagant video with a blockbuster scale.

Big Bang's special edition "Still Alive" has not only the title song
"Monster," but also "Still Alive," "Feeling," "Bingle Bingle," and
"Ego," along with the original songs from the 5th mini album "Alive."

"Still Alive" will be revealed on the 3rd, and on the 6th, the hard copy
album will be released, as a response to the fans' love for Big Bang as
they head for 16 countries and 25 cities as part of their world tour.

Translated by: @kristinekwak for bigbangupdates
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120531 Excitement for 'Monster' grows with the release of Seungri's teaser
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